Honda 2Wheelers India has curated different amusing and interactive activities that educate kids on importance of road safety whether they are accompanying their parents while riding a vehicle or using the road as pedestrian. These specific and coherent activities are designed by our experienced and trained faculty with an aim to make kids aware about the traffic rules they need to abide by.
These activities include:
- Different interactive road safety activities created in a controlled environment
- Miniature road environment with bus stop, zebra crossing, road signs etc
- Projection of films with message on road safety
- Special CRF50 bikes have been imported for the kids with an objective of teaching kids about road safety from an early age
- Interactive sessions on traffic rules
All of these activities are based on our approach of “Catch them young”.
These activities are aimed to help kids become a responsible rider in future. They are motivated to become road safety ambassadors of their families and motivate them to follow the traffic rules.