Safety Driving Education Centres
Honda 2Wheelers India in collaboration with the state government, has established safety driving education centres (SDEC) across India to provide Road Safety Awareness Programs for applicants of driving licence and traffic rule violators.
All of our centres are equipped with state of the art riding trainer and & specially designed training modules to provide road safety training in a smart classroom with required training amenities.
Our faculty is focussed in assisting the participants attain confidence and possess responsible attitude, required to use the road safely.
The aspects covered in the training modules, majorly focus on:
- Behaviour and attitude of rider/driver
- Importance of safety riding gear and correct driving posture
- Understanding the road signs & markings
- Impact of mixing drinking with driving, using mobile phone while driving etc,
- Road rules i.e. lane riding, turning, overtaking etc.
- Stopping distance & safe following distance
- Safe driving practice
- Correct braking procedure
- Driving safely in difficult conditions etc.